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Our Mission

Our mission is to share an effective study strategy with you that will help you pass any upper-level exam on your FIRST attempt.

Our learning platform is designed to help you learn and master concepts from source materials effectively and quickly.

A few words from Ryan

To Students

I created the type of study materials, especially digestible video lessons and post video concept checks, that I wish I had access to when I studied for the exams.

Let’s face it: it takes a great deal of time and effort to pass upper-level exams on the first attempt. In addition to knowing how to solve common problem types fast, you need to fully understand the syllabus material, not just have it memorized.

The new question types based on Bloom’s Taxonomy are posed with an increased emphasis on thorough understanding and evaluation of syllabus material. Our learning platform helps you learn and master concepts from source materials effectively and quickly.

To Independent Instructors

Our platform is built with a user-friendly content management suite, allowing you to organize and update course content effortlessly.

Our modular course design streamlines collaboration between different instructors for same exams, allowing instructors to combine complementary study materials to offer maximum values to students.

If you are interested in offering your course on our platform, please email us.

About Ryan Liang, FCAS, MAAA

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I am currently working as a pricing actuary in the reinsurance area. I have actuarial experience in reserving, ratemaking, and advanced analytics/machine learning. I also have experience as an exam writer on the CAS Exam Committee.

Two and half years into my actuarial career, I was able to pass 5 exams and 2 online courses to obtain my associateship in 2013. I found a highly effective study strategy at the time: studying from past exam questions and memorizing solution framework even without truly understanding the underlying concepts. In the midst of relocating and starting a new job, I was able to pass both Exam 5 and 6 on my first attempt with only two months of studying for each exam.

However, this strategy stopped working when I studied for Exam 9 as my first upper-level exam. At first, I thought it was just bad luck. It took me two more attempts to realize that it is almost impossible to pass the exam without truly understanding and mastering the key concepts from different papers. I dramatically changed my study strategy to focus more on understanding and synthesizing syllabus material and consequently passed Exam 9. Armed with my new strategy, I passed my last exam, Exam 7, on the first attempt.

In my free time, I enjoy running, food tasting, cooking, and traveling.