Our combined course offers you unparalleled values and insights from two independent instructors.
Our learning platform and Exam 9 study manuals help you learn and master concepts from source materials effectively and quickly.
Lead Instructor: Ryan Liang, FCAS, MAAA
Ryan Liang is a pricing actuary in the reinsurance area. He has actuarial experience in reserving, ratemaking, and advanced analytics/machine learning. He also has experience as an exam writer on the CAS Exam Committee. He has in-depth knowledge on Exam 9 and brings in the latest Edtech to enhance the online learning experience.
Effective Learning platform: Learn, Quiz, and Review
Bonus video lessons with < 10 minutes duration each covering key topics from each paper
Key concepts quiz after each video lesson
Bookmark video lesson for future review
Comprehensive Study Guide
Concise and comprehensive summary for each paper
Hundreds of solved problems from past exams organized by each paper
Flashcards Online Study Tool: encapsulating the major syllabus concepts